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Four Benefits of a Newborn Lifestyle Photo Session

A few weeks ago, first time mom Katie invited me into her home to document life with her new baby girl. The photoshoot took place when Baby L. was 6 weeks old, as an "older" newborn. It’s a wonderful age to capture, as babies start to recognize and communicate with their parents by smiling and cooing. It’s a joyful experience to witness and remember fondly through pictures.

Baby smiling at mother

The newborn lifestyle sessions I offer are up to 3 hours long and for any baby (and their family) between the ages of 1 day old and 12 weeks old.

What is lifestyle photography?

Lifestyle photography is about capturing real life moments, emotions and connections between family members. You don’t have to worry about posing. I will give you slight directions to make you comfortable in front of the camera to the point where you will forget it’s even here. You actually don't even have to look at the camera, Mom Katie never did, as she was much more interested in gazing at her beautiful baby girl. In lifestyle photography, there are no props, blankets, diaper covers or frilly hats. My pictures will show your baby as she really is, as you want to remember her.

gerber baby portrait

mom kissing baby

mom kissing baby's feet

What are the advantages of a lifestyle session?

1 - It's easier to fit into your schedule

With traditional newborn portraits, it’s best to photograph a baby in the first couple days after birth when the baby is most likely to be asleep and easier to pose. With a lifestyle session, since there is no posing, your baby can be asleep or awake. So you can schedule the session when it fits best into your schedule. If you prefer a Fresh 48 session (within 2 days of your baby’s birth), a lifestyle session works, and if you need a few more weeks to settle at home after your baby is born, lifestyle photography is perfect.

baby in crib from above

baby looking up

baby's hair through crib

2 - It takes place at your home

I remember as a new parent, even after a few weeks at home with my daughter, it would still take me an hour to figure out how to get out the door. The last thing I wanted to do was head to a studio for a photoshoot. I will come to your house, and find the best natural light in your home to take meaningful portraits of your expanding family.

mom and baby in their home

Mom holding baby

3 - It fits into your daily routine (or lack thereof)

Whether it’s your first baby or your third, having a new baby at home changes the dynamics in your life. After a few weeks of being home, you are usually more rested (or somewhat used to the lack of sleep) and have had more time to adjust to this big change. If you have other children at home, they will have had more time to get used to their new little brother or sister. Since a newborn lifestyle session can take place within a few weeks after your baby’s birth, schedule it when you feel ready to welcome yet another person into your home.

mom feedind baby

mom kissing excited baby

baby feet macro photography

baby smiling

4 - I follow your baby's lead

A lifestyle session is not disruptive to your baby’s life. I have ideas of the pictures I want to capture, but I know your baby will cry. Life still happens and I expect chaos. I was at Katie’s house for two hours and Baby L. cried half the time off and on. There was no reason to panic or feel rushed. Katie had plenty of time to sooth Baby L when she cried. She fed and changed her several times. In between the cries Baby L. gave us big smiles and cooed a few times too. She even giggled when mom Katie did bicycle motions with her legs. It seemed like it was the most fun Baby L had ever had. After all this exercising she yawned and easily went down for a nap.

happy baby in pink pajamas

baby yawning

baby sleeping in crib

baby macro mouth and hand

I offer an online gallery to my clients where they can download all their pictures. They can also order prints through my site, and one of the prints Katie ordered is this one.

smiling baby

There’s nothing like picture of your baby’s first toothless grins. It’s more than a picture, it’s the concrete memory of seeing your baby start connecting and communicating with you. There are many pictures on my walls that I swap out as my children grow, but the one of my daughter’s first smile will always stay. It’s an experience I’ll remember forever and I am filled with joy every time I see her picture, as I’m sure Katie does when she sees this picture of her beautiful little girl.

Inquire here about scheduling a newborn session, and learn more about the milestone package I offer (3 discounted photoshoots in your baby’s first year).

smiling baby with tongue sticking out



Check out my Instagram accounts where I post pictures daily: childhood photography @blinckphotography or landscape and street photography @filladelphie.

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